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Data Set

Student Aid and Higher Education

These tables are supplemental web-only tables that provide additional information to a report entitled Federal Formula Grants: Student Aid and Higher Education, by Tim Ransdell and Shervin Boloorian. This report is part of a larger series, Federal Formula Grants and California, which provides detailed information on California’s current and historical funding under the major federal grants and the formulas used to determine California’s share of funding under various specific grants. All reports in this series are posted on this website. This particular report focuses on federal assistance provided to U.S. college students, either directly or indirectly through their institutions. The Higher Education Act of 1965 (HEA), last amended in 1998, authorizes a disparate array of programs that span various federal government offices. This report examines HEA’s myriad components—including grants, loans, and other forms of aid—with an emphasis on California’s share of federal resources.

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Higher Education