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Occasional Paper, Report · July 2008

Funding Formulas for California Schools II: An Analysis of a Proposal by the Governor’s Committee on Education Excellence

Jon Sonstelie, Ray Reinhard, Heather Rose, and Ria Sengupta Bhatt

In this paper, the researchers examine a finance system proposed by the Governor’s Committee on Education Excellence which would consolidate a large number of current K-12 revenue programs into two programs: a base program serving the needs of all students, and a targeted program providing supplemental funds for disadvantaged students. This new approach would call for two fundamental changes in current policy: first, the state would have to transfer its revenue authority to local school districts; and second, the state would have to allocate a larger share of K-12 revenues to districts with high proportions of disadvantaged students.

Governor’s Committee on Education Excellence: Simulation Results (279KB, Excel)


K–12 Education