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Past · September 23, 2008

Redistricting Reform: Can It Reduce Partisanship?

September 23, 2008 · 12:00 am


Date: September 23, 2008
Time: 12:00-1:30 p.m.
Location: CSAC Conference Center
1020 11th Street, 2nd Floor
Sacramento, CA
In 2001, the Legislature created new electoral districts to reflect the changing population of California reflected in the 2000 U.S. Census. Much criticism of their action followed, on the grounds that the Legislature created districts with solid majorities of registered Republicans or Democrats in each; this in turn created “safe seats” for themselves. With little chance of losing a general election, in the view of critics, legislators disdained compromise and bipartisanship and the current pattern of legislative deadlock in Sacramento is the result. This report provides a detailed analysis of voting patterns and legislative behavior since 2001 to test whether redistricting has in fact reduced bipartisanship and induced gridlock, or whether other factors are at work.
Lunch will be provided.

Eric McGhee is a research fellow at PPIC and an expert in redistricting reform, voter initiatives, and legislative organization.


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