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Data Set

Decision Analysis on Delta Export Alternatives

This spreadsheet provides the data and formulas to compare the four water export alternatives analyzed in the report Comparing Futures for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. These alternatives include (1) continue pumping exports through the Delta, (2) divert water upstream and convey it around the Delta through a peripheral canal, (3) combine the current through-Delta pumping strategy with a peripheral canal (so-called “dual conveyance” or “dual facility”), and (4) end exports altogether. The decision analysis considers two performance criteria: viability of native fish populations (delta smelt and fall-run Chinook salmon), and statewide economic costs for water supply and quality. As described in greater detail in Appendix J (Decision Analysis of Delta Strategies), the answers to 16 questions are used to develop these performance criteria. The report authors’ values for answers to these questions also are explained in Appendix J. The spreadsheet allows users to modify the answers to these questions to see how the results would change.

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