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Data Set

Key Factors in California’s Jail Construction Needs

This data set contains tables that expand on the findings presented in Key Factors in California’s Jail Construction Needs.

AB 900 Jail Construction Projects presents current information for county jail construction projects funded by AB 900 (2007)—including conditional and established project awards, estimated total project cost, beds, and completion year.

SB 1022 Jail Construction Projects presents current information for county jail constructions projects funded by SB 1022 (2012)—including conditional project awards, estimated total project cost, beds, and completion year.

Court-ordered Jail Population Caps (January 2013–June 2013) presents BSCC data for counties that operated jail facilities under court-ordered population caps between January and June of 2013.

County Jail Construction and Remodel Years presents county-level data from the BSCC on every jail facility currently operated across the state—including year of original construction, year of its most recent remodel, and rated capacity in October 2013.

Current and Projected Jail Capacity and Needs presents statewide and county-level data and calculations on current and projected growth in jail populations (ADP) and rated capacity. It also provides projected ADP and jail capacity ratios for 2020 and 2040.


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Criminal Justice