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Data Set

Local Water-Funding Ballot Measures

This data set provides the source data used in Technical Appendix E of the PPIC report Paying for Water in California (2014). The majority of spending on the water sector in California occurs at the local level, and for some activities, voter approval is required to introduce or increase revenue sources according to provisions in the California Constitution.

This supplemental data set presents local water-funding ballot measure data from 1995-2013, including ballot measures intended to fund water functions only or to work in combination with other types of local government functions. The data set includes the following types of funding to support water-related activities: general taxes, general obligation bonds, special taxes, property-related fees and assessments, non-property related fees, and water rates. The ballot measures include county, city, and special district elections, for the general electorate and for property owners only.

The “funding measures” worksheet displays ballot measures intended to raise funds for water-related activities. The “repeal measures” worksheet displays the smaller number of measures proposed to decrease or repeal funding for such activities.

Information about local ballot measures is not always widely available, especially for special districts and for property-owner votes. Therefore, our data may be incomplete. Please contact us with information on additional data or with comments regarding any errors or omissions in this data set.

For a detailed analysis of this data, see Technical Appendix E: Local Ballot Measures to Fund the Water System.

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