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Data Set

PPIC Farm Sizes in the San Joaquin Valley: Land Uses

This dataset includes an Excel file summarizing the numbers of farms, irrigable acreage (including cropped and idle land), and major crops grown by irrigated farms of different sizes in the San Joaquin Valley, using parcel data from 2021–22 county assessor records and 2018 land use data from the California Department of Water Resources. It provides an overview of farm sizes for the valley as a whole and for 14 of the valley’s groundwater subbasins, and a comparison of results by county with USDA’s latest Agricultural Census (2017). It accompanies the August 2023 blog post, “Mapping Farms by Size in the San Joaquin Valley.”

Suggested citation: Joaquín Morales, Zaira and Andrew Ayres. 2023. PPIC Farm Sizes in the San Joaquin Valley: Land Uses. Public Policy Institute of California.

For questions concerning this dataset, please contact Zaira Joaquín Morales.


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