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Data Set

PPIC Statewide Survey Data – 2015

This page contains links to the Public Policy Institute of California’s survey data that are currently available on the web, organized by year. Survey data are made available in three-month segments about three months after a segment has been completed. For example, survey data from January through March of a given year will be made available in early July of that year.

We are pleased to provide our data to scholars for their research. We hope it will be useful in furthering our collective understanding of California and public opinion in California.

All manuscripts, articles, books, and other papers and publications using Institute’s data should reference Mark Baldassare as Survey Director and the Public Policy Institute of California as the source of the data, and should acknowledge that PPIC bears no responsibility for the interpretations presented or conclusions reached based on analysis of the data.

PPIC Statewide Survey questionnaires and datasets are provided free of charge and are not to be sold to other individuals, institutions, or organizations. For further questions concerning any aspect of the PPIC Statewide Survey, contact us via email and a member of the survey team will get back to you promptly.
[email protected]

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Political Landscape Statewide Survey