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Data Set

School District Revenue Limit Data, 2005-2006

This data set provides supplemental web-only tables to a report entitled Funding California Schools: The Revenue Limit System, by Margaret Weston. This report explains the revenue limit calculation, examines the large variations in revenue limit funds per pupil across the state, and offers alternative methods for addressing the inequity in funding. This supplemental data set presents all revenue data for California’s 978 school districts in 2005–2006.

The first file, “California Department of Education Revenue Limit Calculation,” lists the revenue limit calculation performed by the California Department of Education for each district. The second file, “Revenue Limit Components,” lists the seven revenue limit components and revenue limit funds per ADA that are described and analyzed in the report. The third file, “Base Funding Alternative,” presents the results from one of the three base funding alternative scenarios examined in the report’s technical appendix. Each file also includes other relevant information, such as a district’s type-size category.

Revenue Limit Components
364 KB Excel File
Base Funding Alternative
422 KB Excel File

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K–12 Education