Standard Errors and Confidence Intervals for Age-Adjusted Death Rates
These tables present the standard errors and 95% confidence intervals for the age-adjusted death rates presented in Table 2 (by racial/ethnic group) and Tables 3 and 4 (by racial/ethnic group and education level) in California Counts, Vol. 9, No. 1, August, 2007, Death in the Golden State: Why Do Some Californians Live Longer? Also presented are the age-adjusted death rates, standard errors, and confidence intervals for Mexican-Americans by nativity status, which are not discussed in the report, but are included here for reference.
The standard errors and confidence intervals are measures of uncertainty associated with the estimates of the age-adjusted death rates. A large standard error and confidence interval reflect a less certain estimate. The size of these measures depends on the number of deaths (numerator) and the base populations (denominator) for each group. Large numbers of deaths and large base population lead to greater certainty in estimating age-adjusted death rates. These measures do not incorporate uncertainty associated with age misreporting or inconsistencies in racial and ethnic identification.
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