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Past · June 27, 2019

Career Pathways and Economic Mobility at California’s Community Colleges

June 27, 2019 · 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm

Capitol Event Center 1020 11th Street, second floor Sacramento, CA 95814

About the Program

Career education at California’s community colleges can offer students pathways to improve their earnings. Which programs provide the most economic benefits? How do student outcomes vary across demographic groups and regions of the state? PPIC researcher Shannon McConville will outline findings from a new report, and a panel of experts will discuss the challenges and opportunities involved as community colleges seek to improve students’ labor market opportunities and meet California’s workforce needs.

Please register in advance. There is no charge to attend and lunch will be provided.

This event is supported with funding from the ECMC Foundation and the James Irvine Foundation. This research was supported with funding from the ECMC Foundation, the James Irvine Foundation, and the Sutton Family Fund.


11:45 a.m. Registration and lunch

12:05 p.m. Welcome
Deborah Gonzalez, director of government affairs, PPIC

12:10 p.m. Presentation
Shannon McConville, senior research associate, PPIC

12:25 p.m. Panel Discussion
Moderator: Sarah Bohn, director of research and senior fellow, PPIC
Marty Alvarado, executive vice chancellor for educational services, California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office
Autumn Burke, member, California State Assembly
Alma Salazar, senior vice president, Center for Education Excellence and Talent Development, Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce

1:00 p.m. Audience Q&A

1:30 p.m. Adjourn


Access Completion Economy Equity Higher Education Population Workforce Needs