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Past · October 10, 2012

Improving California’s Democracy

October 10, 2012 · 9:30 am


Date: October 10, 2012
Time: 9:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m. (Registration begins 9:00 a.m.)
Location: Sheraton Grand Sacramento, Gardenia room
1230 J Street
Sacramento, CA
This election year several major governance reforms are playing out—from the majority-vote budget to independent redistricting to the top-two primary system. Are these reforms making a difference? And what changes are still needed to improve the state’s fiscal outlook and build trust in state government? Join us for this half-day event about improving California’s democracy.


Donna Lucas, CEO, Lucas Public Affairs
Mark Baldassare, president and CEO, PPIC

Moderator: Patt Morrison, special correspondent, KPCC, and columnist, Los Angeles Times

Steve Glazer, president, Glazer & Associates

Eric McGhee, policy fellow, PPIC

Rob Stutzman, founder and president, Stutzman Public Affairs

Mac Taylor, legislative analyst, Legislative Analyst’s Office

Moderator: Patt Morrison, special correspondent, KPCC, and columnist, Los Angeles Times

Joe Mathews, California editor, Zócalo Public Square

Sunne Wright McPeak, president and CEO, California Emerging Technology Fund

Gerry Parsky, chairman, Aurora Capital Group

Courtni Pugh, executive director, SEIU Local 99

12:15 pm
Lunch and informal discussion