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Past · November 29, 2018

Modernizing California’s Education Data System

November 29, 2018 · 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm

Capitol Event Center 1020 11th Street, second floor Sacramento, CA 95814

About the Program

Improving student outcomes requires a better understanding of how students advance from K–12 schools through college and into the workforce—and where they falter. Yet California trails behind other states in establishing a student data system that can answer key questions about the educational pipeline and the impact of education on work and earnings. Research fellow Jacob Jackson will summarize PPIC’s recommendations for an integrated data system, and a panel of experts will discuss the opportunities and challenges involved in establishing such a system.

This event is supported with funding from the PPIC Corporate Circle and the PPIC Donor Circle. This research was supported with funding from Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Sutton Family Fund.


11:45 a.m. Registration and lunch available

12:05 p.m. Welcome
Deborah Gonzalez, director of government affairs, PPIC

12:10 p.m. Presentation
Jacob Jackson, research fellow, PPIC Higher Education Center

12:20 p.m. Panel Discussion
Moderator: Hans Johnson, center director and senior fellow, PPIC Higher Education Center
Lande Ajose, executive director, California Competes
Natasha Collins, principal consultant, education, Assembly Appropriations Committee
Laura Metune, vice chancellor for external relations, California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office
Colleen Moore, assistant director, Education Insights Center

1:00 p.m. Audience Q&A

1:30 p.m. Adjourn


Media Contact

Steven Bliss

Director of Digital Strategy

Event Contact


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