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Past · April 7, 2011

New America Foundation Event – Unconventional Wisdom: Rethinking Oil and Transportation Policy

April 7, 2011 · 8:30 am


Date: April 7, 2011
Time: 8:30-10:30 a.m. EST (5:30 a.m. PST)
New America Foundation
1899 L Street NW, Suite 400
    Washington, DC 20036
Gas is above $3 a gallon; we're involved in two military campaigns in the Middle East; a quarter of our bridges are either structurally deficient or functionally obsolete; and there is little bipartisan cooperation on controlling greenhouse gases, energy policy, or funding the 2011 transportation bill. Everyone wants to change something about America's energy policy, but it's been largely static for 30 years.
Maybe policy makers need to change the way we think. Can we enhance Transit Oriented Development with Transit Oriented Employment that offers workers more transportation choices? Can we reduce our dependence on oil by revitalizing rural areas? Could we expand the definition of a "green job" to mean one that doesn't require a car and $4 gas to get to work? Could we fund our nearly bankrupt transportation infrastructure by paying down the deficit at the same time?
Join the New America Foundation for a light breakfast and a provocative discussion that will challenge conventional wisdom about transportation policy and offer hope for solving the nation's chewiest infrastructure and energy security problems.
***Jed Kolko will discuss the findings of a recent PPIC report Driving Change: Reducing Vehicle Miles Traveled in California.***
This event will stream live. Please go to the New American Foundation website to view.

Featured Speakers
Jed Kolko
Associate Director and Research Fellow
Public Policy Institute of California
Deron Lovaas
Federal Transportation Policy Director
Natural Resources Defense Council
Shin-Pei Tsay
Director, Leadership Initiative on Transportation Solvency
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Lisa Margonelli
Director, Energy Policy Initiative, New America Foundation
Publisher, The Energy Trap