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Past · August 8, 2019

School Resources and the Local Control Funding Formula

August 8, 2019 · 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm

Capitol Event Center 1020 11th Street, second floor Sacramento, CA 95814

About the Program

The Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) was enacted in 2013–14 to simplify California’s school finance system, revamp district and school accountability, and provide additional funding for high-need students. How has the LCFF affected educational resources across districts and schools? PPIC research fellow Julien Lafortune will outline the findings of a new report, and a panel of experts will discuss the challenges and opportunities of targeting LCFF funding and improving educational outcomes for the state’s highest-need students.

This research was supported with funding from the Dirk and Charlene Kabcenell Foundation and the Stuart Foundation.


11:45 a.m. Registration and lunch

12:05 p.m. Welcome
Deborah Gonzalez, director of government affairs, PPIC

12:10 p.m. Presentation
Julien Lafortune, research fellow, PPIC

12:25 p.m. Panel Discussion
Moderator: Ricardo Cano, education reporter, CalMatters
Kent Kern, superintendent of schools, San Juan Unified School District
Michael Kirst, professor emeritus of education, Stanford University
Samantha Tran, senior managing director, education policy, Children Now

1:00 p.m. Audience Q&A

1:30 p.m. Adjourn


K–12 Education Population