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Past · April 23, 2015

Statewide Survey: Californians and Education

The James Irvine Foundation Briefing Series

April 23, 2015 · 8:00 pm

Stanley Mosk Library & Courts Building
914 Capitol Mall, Room 500
Sacramento, CA 95814

About the Program

PPIC’s latest survey looks at Californians’ perceptions of major reforms being implemented in the state’s public K–12 schools: the Local Control Funding Formula, the Common Core State Standards, and the Smarter Balanced assessments. It also examines concerns about educational inequities and views on school funding and revenues. PPIC researcher Lunna Lopes will outline these and other key findings.

This survey was conducted with funding from the S. D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation, The Dirk and Charlene Kabcenell Foundation, the Silver Giving Foundation, and the Stuart Foundation.



K–12 Education Political Landscape Statewide Survey