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Date: April 9, 2013
Time: 12:00 p.m.-1:30 p.m. (registration 11:45 a.m.)
Location: CSAC Conference Center
1020 11th Street, 2nd floor
Sacramento, CA
The governor has proposed to change the way schools are funded in California. His plan would give local districts more flexibility, and his funding formula would direct more state funds to districts with large numbers of disadvantaged students. PPIC research fellow Margaret Weston will provide an overview, followed by a panel discussion of education leaders on the implications of the governor's proposal and the relationship between funding and student achievement.


11:45 a.m. Registration begins

12:05 p.m. Welcome
Mark Baldassare, president and CEO, PPIC

12:10 p.m. Presentation
Margaret Weston, research fellow, PPIC

12:20 p.m. Panel Discussion
Moderator: David Lesher, director of government affairs, PPIC

Joan Buchanan, member, California State Assembly and chair, Assembly Education Committee

Peter Birdsall, executive director, California County Superintendents Educational Services Association

Nick Schweizer, education program budget manager, California Department of Finance

1:00 p.m. Audience Q&A

1:30 p.m. Adjourn

Event Video

The James Irvine Foundation Briefing Series is intended to inform decisionmakers and facilitate constructive discussion about the major social, economic, and political issues facing California. The series is supported by a grant from The James Irvine Foundation.


K–12 Education