Jeevan Muhar
Engineer Manager
Arvin-Edison Water Storage District
Jeevan Muhar has been engineer manager of the Arvin-Edison Water Storage District since 2017. His duties include administering a 350,000 acre-foot federal water contract, a 30-megawatt federal power contract, and a multitude of water management programs, including one with the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California. He also oversees major infrastructure. He’s been with the district since 2010. From 2002–06, he served as an engineering consultant for Provost & Pritchard Engineering Group. He was raised in San Joaquin and Kerman (west of Fresno), his family still farms in Fresno County, and he currently lives in Bakersfield with his wife and three sons. He holds a BS in agricultural engineering from Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo and earned his California registration as a professional engineer in civil engineering in 2006.