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Statewide Survey · April 2003

PPIC Statewide Survey: Special Survey of the Central Valley

Mark Baldassare

This survey of the 19-county Central Valley region, conducted in collaboration with the Great Valley Center, is a special edition of the PPIC Statewide Survey. This is the fourth PPIC survey of the Central Valley. The purpose of the surveys, begun in 1999, is to provide comprehensive, advocacy-free information on the opinions and public policy preferences of Central Valley residents.

Some findings of the current survey

  • 77% of Central Valley residents rate their cities or communities as excellent or good places to live, and a majority also give high marks to local services and amenities.
  • Nearly half (44%) of Central Valley residents believe their region is in an economic recession, and more residents expect bad economic times (48%) than good times (41%) in the coming year.
  • 75% or residents say air pollution is at least somewhat of a problem in their area, up from 67% last year; 41% consider traffic congestion a big problem in their area; and 47% believe water supply is at least somewhat of a problem.
  • Most Central Valley residents (87%) are very concerned (59%) or somewhat concerned (28%) that the state budget deficit will lead to reductions in local public services.


Political Landscape Statewide Survey