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blog post

Health Care Access for California’s Immigrants

By Paulette Cha, Mary Severance

Governor Newsom wants to extend Medi-Cal access to low-income young adults up to age 26 regardless of immigration status, a proposal with strong public support.

blog post

The Uninsured and the Safety Net

By Shannon McConville

Open enrollment has ended, and projections suggest about 4 million Californians will still lack health insurance. They will continue to rely on county programs and safety net providers, such as health clinics and emergency departments.


Health Coverage and Care for Undocumented Immigrants: An Update

By Paulette Cha, Shannon McConville

COVID-19 has revealed how gaps in health care coverage among immigrants can put the health of entire communities at risk. This report updates findings on the ways undocumented Californians connect with the health care system to inform policy discussions around providing affordable health insurance for all.

Policy Brief

Policy Brief: Health Care Access among California’s Farmworkers

By Paulette Cha, Stephanie Barton

California’s farmworkers, who are a key link in the food supply chain, often face barriers to health care—including cost or lack of insurance. Certain expansions to Medi-Cal led to gains in insurance coverage for some farmworkers; other policies, such as the employer mandate in the Affordable Care Act, did not seem to improve coverage.

blog post

Immigrants and Health Insurance

By Shannon McConville

California has seen large declines in the uninsured rate among noncitizens—a group that includes an estimated 2.6 million people who legally reside in the state, as well as 2.7 million undocumented immigrants.

Fact Sheet

Immigrants and Health in California

By Paulette Cha

Immigrants and their families have limited health care coverage, even as many face disproportionate health risks, especially during the pandemic.

blog post

Health Insurance for the Undocumented

By Laura Hill, Shannon McConville

There may be two opportunities for California’s undocumented population to gain access to health coverage.

blog post

Medi-Cal Expansion for Undocumented Seniors

By Paulette Cha, Shannon McConville

A proposed expansion of Medi-Cal would boost access to health services, including preventive care and disease management, for eligible undocumented seniors.

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