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blog post

The Troubled History—and Uncertain Future—of the Salton Sea

By Sarah Bardeen

Southern California’s hundred-year-old Salton Sea is drying up, and that’s creating a host of problems, as both wildlife and air quality in the region suffer. We sat down with an expert—UC Riverside professor and PPIC Water Policy Center adjunct fellow Kurt Schwabe—to discuss the issues facing the sea and explore potential solutions.


Land Transitions and Dust in the San Joaquin Valley

By Andrew Ayres, Jaymin Kwon, Joy Collins

Agricultural operations and wind erosion are two of the largest sources of dust in the San Joaquin Valley, and the valley’s air quality may decline with increased farmland fallowing and a warmer, drier climate. This will impact low-income, rural communities first and foremost, but proactive management can help identify high-risk areas and direct funding to cost-effective interventions.

Fact Sheet

California’s Water Market

By Ellen Hanak, Gokce Sencan, Andrew Ayres

Water marketing is an important tool for managing drought and water scarcity in California. Reforms could help strengthen the market.

blog post

Planning for a Drier Future in the Colorado River Basin

By Lori Pottinger

The Colorado River’s waters are over-allocated, making it hard to address the challenges climate change brings. We talked to Doug Kenney of the University of Colorado about managing the basin for a drier future.

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