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Improving the Health of California’s Headwater Forests

California’s headwater forests are at risk. Years of fire suppression, emphasis on short-term management priorities, weather extremes, and climate change have set the stage for a steep decline in forest resilience. The result is lost timber production, wildlife habitat, and recreational opportunities, and threats to our water supply. A panel of experts will explore management and regulatory reforms that can revitalize these forests and prepare them for a changing climate.


Improving the Health of California’s Headwater Forests

By Van Butsic, Henry McCann, Jodi Axelson, Brian Gray ...

This report looks at regulatory, legal, and management reforms that can help build resilience in the state’s headwater forests and prepare them for a challenging future.

blog post

How Unhealthy Forests Affect Water Supply

By Lori Pottinger

California’s forested watersheds are feeling the effects of drought and fire suppression practices that encourage overly dense stands of trees.

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