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2024 Election Preview

With a highly consequential election fast approaching, what does the political landscape look like in California and the nation? A panel of top political journalists will assess the mood of the electorate and discuss themes and issues that are likely to shape the outcome in November.

Fact Sheet

College Completion in California

By Cesar Alesi Perez, Selina Gomez

Despite recent progress, about half of California freshmen do not finish college in four years. Meeting the state’s goal of improving college degree attainment will require boosting graduation rates and shortening time to degree.

blog post

Video: Pathways to College Completion in the San Joaquin Valley

By Chansonette Buck

California’s San Joaquin Valley has the lowest college enrollment and completion rates in the state, yet it could be on the verge of dramatic improvements. PPIC Higher Education Center director Olga Rodriguez and a panel of experts discuss expanding support in the valley for college-going pathways.


Learning from CalFresh Pandemic Boosts

By Tess Thorman, Patricia Malagon, Caroline Danielson

Emergency allotments increased CalFresh benefits during the pandemic, although the lowest-income households did not see an initial boost. Examining how this pandemic aid affected household resources, work decisions, and participant retention can offer insights into crafting a CalFresh response for the next economic downturn—and improving the program in the near term.

blog post

Supporting Older Workers in a Changing Labor Market

By Julien Lafortune, Sarah Bohn, Hans Johnson

Although older adults—those aged 55 to 84—are far less likely to work than younger adults, older Californians are working longer than in prior decades, as many put off retirement. What are the key workforce trends among older Californians? And what are the implications for the state's labor market—and for public policy?

Policy Brief

Policy Brief: Learning from CalFresh Pandemic Boosts

By Tess Thorman, Patricia Malagon, Caroline Danielson, Stephanie Barton

At the start of the pandemic, emergency allotments to CalFresh boosted assistance to households that had more resources beyond CalFresh; households with fewer resources received a later and smaller boost. Those who received the higher benefits of the first boost were more likely to stay in the workforce and to stay on CalFresh while eligible.

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