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blog post

Rethinking Stormwater—From Waste to Treasure

By Sarah Bardeen

Unmanaged stormwater can be a flood hazard and a contaminant, but when it’s properly managed, it actually can benefit communities by creating green spaces and recharging aquifers. We spoke with CASQA’s Karen Cowan to learn more about this underappreciated resource.

blog post

How Business and Government Might Solve the Freshwater Crisis—Together

By Sarah Bardeen

Does the public sector need the private sector’s help to address the freshwater crisis? That’s the thesis of Stanford law and environmental social sciences professor Barton “Buzz” Thompson’s provocative new book. We sat down with him to hear more.

Fact Sheet

Sea Level Rise in California

By Letitia Grenier, Gokce Sencan

Sea levels are rising, and Californians are already feeling the impact. Adaptation will require new forms of collaboration and coordination—as well as working with nature—to find solutions.

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