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Balancing Budgets and Need during Recessions: California’s Safety Net Programs

By Patrick Murphy, Caroline Danielson, Shannon McConville, Jennifer Paluch

During economic downturns, the state faces falling revenues and rising demand for safety net programs. In the last recession, California cut programs significantly. Next time, what steps can policymakers take to support those in need, while still balancing the budget?


Funding California Schools When Budgets Fall Short

By Julien Lafortune, Radhika Mehlotra, Jennifer Paluch

Even as districts prioritize safety amid COVID-19, they face hard choices as they try to maintain services and balance budgets. By examining district reserves and spending, this report aims to understand how the Great Recession affected K–12 funding and how prepared districts are now to manage future cuts.

blog post

Testimony: Funding to Promote Drought Resilience

By Ellen Hanak

PPIC senior fellow Ellen Hanak gave the Assembly Budget Subcommittee for Resources and Transportation an overview of state and federal emergency drought funding and suggested other fiscal measures that the legislature should consider to make California more drought resilient.

blog post

How Water Agencies Could Catalyze Headwater Forest Management

By Henry McCann, Van Butsic

Forest managers, community and environmental stakeholders, and policymakers alike have called for an increase in the pace and scale of proactive forest management to prevent extreme wildfires. Could water agencies lead the effort?

Fact Sheet

Groundwater Recharge in California

By Alvar Escriva-Bou, Gokce Sencan, Ellen Hanak

Groundwater recharge can replenish overdrafted basins, and help California adapt to greater climate extremes.

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