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Implementing Local Accountability in California’s Schools: The First Year of Planning

By Paul Warren, Giselle Carrillo

The passage of the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) in 2013 gave California school districts flexibility in allocating resources and significantly boosted state support for the education of disadvantaged students. LCFF also includes a Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP), which requires districts to enlist the help of parents and the public in identifying student performance goals and ways to achieve them. Our research in 25 California districts suggests that educators have worked hard to develop the first of these three-year plans, but that knowledge about strategic planning, data-driven decisionmaking, and involving parents and the public in the process varies significantly among districts. As a consequence, the clarity and effectiveness of the initial plans varies widely. The state can help by making technical assistance to districts and county offices of education available and affordable. Our research also indicates that expanding the role of county offices would help them push for improved student performance.


Statewide Survey: Californians and Education

PPIC's annual statewide survey on Californians and education tracks opinions on educational quality, public school funding, early childhood education, and preparation for college and careers. It also examines views on English language learners, charter schools, and the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak.


California’s Changing K-12 Accountability Program

By Paul Warren

California recently joined a number of other states in adopting the Common Core State Standards, which establish new criteria for what students should learn in school. It also joined a consortium of states to develop new tests based on those standards. The new standards are ambitious, and some teachers are concerned they are not prepared to convey the higher-level skills and concepts they contain. The new tests will allow the state to measure gains in each student’s achievement, creating new options for how the state ranks schools. The change will also prompt the state to reassess the value of state tests in high school and its options for holding secondary schools accountable. More changes to the state’s accountability program are likely when Congress reauthorizes the federal education law, and the way the state addresses these current issues will influence the shape of its future accountability program.


Accountability for California’s Alternative Schools

By Paul Warren

About 12 percent of all California high school seniors attend an alternative school, but far fewer than half graduate. To improve outcomes and promote the success of at-risk students, the state needs a new approach to measuring alternative school performance.


Statewide Survey: Californians and Education

PPIC’s annual statewide survey on Californians and education examines views on the quality of education in public schools, as well as perceptions of the lingering challenges brought on by the pandemic. It also tracks opinions on public school funding, school teachers, and preschool. PPIC researchers Rachel Lawler and Dean Bonner will discuss these and other key findings.

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