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blog post

Metropolitan Water District: “We’re the Squirrels of the Water System”

By Sarah Bardeen

Deven Upadhyay is the assistant general manager and executive officer for the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, which provides water to 19 million people. This week on the blog, Upadhyay describes how Met is handling California’s recent precipitation whiplash—and shares some improvements that are in the works.

Fact Sheet

Water Use in California’s Communities

By Andrew Ayres, Caitlin Peterson, Annabelle Rosser

Even as California’s population has grown by millions, its per-capita water use has declined. Communities are finding ways to boost resilience in the face of climate change.

blog post

A Regional Look at California’s Latest Employment Trends

By Sarah Bohn, Marisol Cuellar Mejia, Jenny Duan, Julien Lafortune

While employment is higher than it was before the pandemic, California’s economy could face headwinds in the coming months. We look at how seven major regions are faring and discuss the factors driving job growth in different parts of the state.


Achieving Universal Broadband in California

By Joseph Hayes, Niu Gao, Darriya Starr, Amy Gong Liu

In 2021, California invested over $6 billion to expand broadband infrastructure, address affordability, and promote digital literacy. This report examines barriers to installing broadband in underserved communities and offers recommendations as the state aims to close the digital divide.

blog post

Housing Costs Have Californians Considering an Interstate Move

By Dean Bonner

More than four in ten Californians say that housing costs have made them seriously consider moving, and an overwhelming majority of this group say they would leave the state. The share of Californians considering a move out of the state has about doubled across all income and education groups since 2004.

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