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Fact Sheet

College Completion in California

By Cesar Alesi Perez, Selina Gomez

Despite recent progress, about half of California freshmen do not finish college in four years. Meeting the state’s goal of improving college degree attainment will require boosting graduation rates and shortening time to degree.

Fact Sheet

California’s Prison Population

By Heather Harris, Sean Cremin

After falling sharply in the first year of the pandemic, California’s prison population is now at a 30-year low. Meanwhile, the average annual cost of imprisoning a person has risen almost 50% since 2019. Most people in California prisons have been convicted of violent crimes; some racial groups are imprisoned at disproportionate rates.


Crime after Proposition 47 and the Pandemic

By Magnus Lofstrom, Brandon Martin

After some drug and property felonies were reclassified as misdemeanors under Proposition 47, incarceration fell—as did arrests for these crimes. But Prop 47 may not be the most important change to California criminal justice in recent years; pandemic interventions also had lasting effects. A new report examines the impact of both on incarceration, enforcement, and crime.

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