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blog post

More Wildfire Smoke, More Concerns for Students

By Shalini Mustala, Paulette Cha

Longer fire seasons and an increase in poor air quality days due to wildfire smoke are affecting school districts across California. Students with pre-existing illness, such as asthma and cardiovascular diseases, or those living near industrial areas or highways are especially vulnerable to health risks related to wildfire smoke.

blog post

Addressing Labor Market Barriers for Californians with Disabilities

By Shannon McConville, Sarah Bohn, Julien Lafortune

Labor force participation among prime working age Californians with a disability has increased since 2019, likely reflecting pandemic changes—such as remote work—that increased opportunities or reduced barriers. Maintaining these gains will depend on helping workers with disabilities to address their health, personal care, and accommodation needs.

blog post

Examining the Reach of Universal School Meals in California

By Caroline Danielson

In the 2022–23 school year, California became the first state to provide free school meals to all children regardless of income. We look at how the state's school nutrition programs are faring overall and examine trends in participation among low-income students.

blog post

How Has the Medi-Cal Program Changed over the Past Three Decades?

By Shannon McConville, Paulette Cha

As part of an ongoing series commemorating PPIC's 30th anniversary, research fellows Paulette Cha and Shannon McConville discuss how Medi-Cal—California's Medicaid program—has changed and expanded since the early 1990s. One-third of current Medi-Cal enrollees are adults who gained program eligibility under the federal Affordable Care Act.

blog post

How Has Poverty in California Changed over Time?

By Caroline Danielson

As part of an ongoing series commemorating PPIC's 30th anniversary, senior fellow Caroline Danielson reflects on key poverty trends and how the California Poverty Measure has shed light on prospects for addressing economic hardship.

blog post

Extreme Heat Takes a Toll on Californians’ Health

By Gokce Sencan

As the summer season kicks off, Californians are feeling the heat—literally. As the state faces increasingly severe heat waves, what impact is this growing risk having on Californians’ health, and how can we prepare?

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