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blog post

Helping K–12 Students Recover from the Pandemic

By Laura Hill, Niu Gao, Julien Lafortune

Increased state and federal resources will play a key role as California helps students overcome learning disruptions of the past two years, though longer-term challenges remain.

blog post

Who Stands to Gain from Changes in School Enrollment Funding?

By Julien Lafortune, Joseph Herrera

The state legislature is considering a change in how California K–12 schools are funded. Examining how attendance varies across districts—and how this relates to student demographics—sheds light on which districts might see the largest funding increases.

blog post

College Admissions in an Era of Uncertainty

By Niu Gao, Hans Johnson

The University of California and the California State University have altered admissions policies to address some of the academic effects of the pandemic and to increase equity in access. What does the early evidence say about the impact of these changes?

blog post

2021 Year in Review

By Mark Baldassare

The past year has been another deeply challenging one for California and the nation. As 2021 draws to a close, president and CEO Mark Baldassare reflects on the role PPIC has played in providing essential information—and fostering constructive dialogue—on the critical policy issues facing our state.

blog post

What’s Next for California’s K–12 Enrollment?

By Julien Lafortune, Emmanuel Prunty, Vicki Hsieh

The statewide decline in K–12 enrollment is projected to accelerate over the next decade, though with significant variation across counties.

blog post

Geography of Dual Enrollment Programs in California

By Olga Rodriguez, Niu Gao

Dual enrollment, which allows high school students to take college courses and earn college credit, has been increasing steadily in California. Understanding how program availability varies across regions can inform efforts to improve equity in access.

blog post

Many Students Enrolled in Learning Programs Last Summer

By Emmanuel Prunty, Niu Gao, Laura Hill

About one in four California families say their children participated in summer learning programs in 2021, with enrollment especially high among students from low-income and Latino families.

blog post

Video: Targeted K–12 Funding and Student Outcomes

By Stephanie Barton

PPIC researcher Julien Lafortune presents new findings on how school districts are using dollars provided through the state’s Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) and the effect on educational outcomes.

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