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Statewide Survey: Californians and the Environment

As California grapples with wildfires and record heat, PPIC’s latest survey focuses on local, state, and national environmental issues. The survey gauges the importance of environmental issues for California voters, tracks climate change perceptions and policy preferences, and explores views on a range of ocean, coast, and marine life issues. Lauren Mora will outline key findings and discuss takeaways with Deja Thomas.


California Prison Programs and Reentry Pathways

In recent years, the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) has expanded its rehabilitative programs. But participation has been low. PPIC researcher Heather Harris will present a new report detailing the education, employment, and behavioral needs of people in prison, CDCR efforts to expand programs to meet those needs, and factors that may affect participation.


California School Districts and the Emergency Connectivity Fund

How well did federal pandemic funds improve digital access for historically underserved K–12 students and their families? PPIC researcher Joseph Hayes will present new findings on efforts to close California’s digital divide in education, with suggestions for building momentum now that federal emergency funds have ended.


The Future of Higher Education Enrollment in California

College enrollment and completion have long trended upward in California, but enrollment fell during the pandemic. What might California’s colleges and universities expect over the next couple of decades? PPIC senior fellow Hans Johnson will outline a new report that projects enrollment trajectories across the state’s major higher education sectors.


Statewide Survey: Californians and Their Government

PPIC’s June survey tracks Californians’ support for presidential and US Senate candidates and gauges support on fiscal measures that may appear on the November ballot. The survey also explores opinions of the governor’s May Revision of the state budget and of his proposals to manage the budget shortfall. PPIC associate survey director Dean Bonner will present findings and discuss key takeaways from the survey with survey analyst Lauren Mora.


Replenishing Groundwater in the San Joaquin Valley

Groundwater recharge has emerged as an important way to replenish the San Joaquin Valley’s dwindling aquifers, particularly under the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act. Last year, we asked dozens of urban and agricultural water managers to tell us how recharge was going—a reboot of our 2017 survey. How much progress has been made, and what’s needed next? Join us for a presentation of our findings and a panel discussion.


A Conversation with US Senator Alex Padilla

Join PPIC president and CEO Tani Cantil-Sakauye and US senator Alex Padilla for a wide-ranging conversation about major challenges facing California and the nation, from promoting economic opportunity to managing the effects of climate change to ensuring voting rights in a consequential election year.


California’s Care Workforce

State master plans on the aging population and on early care and education have underscored the need to expand the care workforce and better support the workers who provide essential services to young children, older residents, and people with disabilities. PPIC researchers will outline a new report on the current realities of the care workforce and talk with state policymakers about the challenges of meeting future demand.


The Political Views of Young Californians

Do younger Californians have different opinions than older Californians on politics and policy? PPIC researcher Eric McGhee offers a deep dive into statewide survey data, revealing the gaps between younger and older Californians in their partisanship, ideology, and opinions on current issues and candidates.


Statewide Survey: Californians and Education

PPIC’s April survey explores Californians’ opinions of the quality of K–12 public education, school funding and resources, and state officials’ handling of the education system. The survey also examines sentiments around the pandemic's impact on academic performance and well-being and probes attitudes about policies that allow school boards to ban books and decide curriculum. PPIC survey analyst Deja Thomas will present findings and discuss key takeaways from the survey with associate survey director Dean Bonner.

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