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Policy Brief

Policy Brief: The Effects of COVID-19 on Transfer-Intending Students in California’s Community Colleges

By Cesar Alesi Perez, Jacob Jackson, Marisol Cuellar Mejia, Olga Rodriguez ...

After COVID-19 hit in spring 2020, enrollment fell among transfer-intending students at community colleges. Fewer students persisted through subsequent terms and fewer completed courses; however, more students reached critical transfer milestones than among pre-pandemic cohorts—a likely upshot of recent reforms.


The Effects of COVID-19 on Transfer-Intending Students in California’s Community Colleges

By Cesar Alesi Perez, Jacob Jackson, Marisol Cuellar Mejia, Olga Rodriguez ...

The pandemic disrupted enrollment, persistence, and course success for many transfer-intending students at California community colleges, especially those from vulnerable and underrepresented groups. Yet critical pre-pandemic reforms as well as actions taken by colleges and faculty may have helped limit the pandemic’s impact for some who stayed enrolled.


Racial Disparities in Traffic Stops

By Magnus Lofstrom, Joseph Hayes, Brandon Martin, Deepak Premkumar

Traffic stops have emerged as a key driver of racial disparities in law enforcement and an area of potential reform. Our new report examines whether certain types of traffic stops could be enforced in alternative ways that reduce racial disparities and risks to officers and civilians without jeopardizing public safety.

blog post

Ensuring All Students Benefit from Landmark Community College Reform

By Marisol Cuellar Mejia, Olga Rodriguez, Cesar Alesi Perez

Last week, Governor Newsom signed into law a bill that requires California’s community colleges to expand their efforts to enroll—and support—students in transfer-level math and English courses. What does this bill do? And how might it help close racial equity gaps?


Storing Water for the Environment

By Sarah Null, Jeffrey Mount, Brian Gray, Kristen Dybala ...

Large reservoirs are essential for managing water in California’s highly variable climate—but over the years, the construction and operation of these reservoirs have had significant environmental costs. Our new research outlines how reservoir operations could be changed to improve the health of the state’s fragile freshwater ecosystems.

Policy Brief

Policy Brief: Community College English in California’s New Era of Student Access

By Marisol Cuellar Mejia, Olga Rodriguez, Hans Johnson, Cesar Alesi Perez

Three years after a landmark law prompted major reforms across the state's community colleges, significant progress has been made. Students are now much more likely to complete college composition—the “gateway” transfer-level English course. But more can be done to address persistent racial equity gaps and pandemic challenges.


Community College English in California’s New Era of Student Access

By Marisol Cuellar Mejia, Olga Rodriguez, Hans Johnson, Cesar Alesi Perez

Major assessment and placement reforms at the state's community colleges have all but eliminated remedial prerequisites. As a result, students are much more likely to complete college composition—the “gateway” transfer-level English course. However, more work is needed to address persistent racial equity gaps and pandemic challenges.

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