Statewide Survey PPIC Statewide Survey: Californians and Their Government By Mark Baldassare, Dean Bonner, Rachel Lawler, Deja Thomas Feb 1, 2023 Key findings include overwhelming majorities say housing affordability and homelessness are a big problem; many Californians worry younger generations will be unable to afford a home. Majorities expect bad times ahead for the state financially. Approval of Newsom and Biden has remained steady, while approval has fallen for the US Supreme Court and Congress.
blog post Voters’ Wish List for the Next Election Cycle By Mark Baldassare Nov 10, 2022 California’s citizens’ initiative process remains popular as a way of addressing the state’s most important challenges. But voters believe that the system has certain shortcomings and should be reformed.
blog post Who Is the California Voter? By Stephanie Barton Nov 8, 2022 A near record-high share of eligible individuals are registered to vote in the Golden State. Likely voters tend to be older, white, affluent, college educated, and homeowners. Nonvoters, on the other hand, are more likely to be younger, Latino, lower income, less educated, and renters.
blog post Views of Democracy from the Golden State By Dean Bonner Nov 1, 2022 While a record-high share of Californians have confidence in the state electoral process, fewer than half are satisfied with the way US democracy is working—and Californians are divided about whether Americans of different political views can work out their differences.
press release Prop 30 Slips below Majority Support; Democrats Have Overall Edge across Competitive House Districts Oct 26, 2022
Statewide Survey PPIC Statewide Survey: Californians and Their Government By Mark Baldassare, Dean Bonner, Rachel Lawler, Deja Thomas Oct 26, 2022 Key findings include: Proposition 30 on reducing greenhouse gas emissions has lost ground in the past month, with support among likely voters now falling short of a majority. Democrats hold an overall edge across the state's competitive districts; the outcomes could determine which party controls the US House of Representatives. Four in ten likely voters are satisfied with how democracy is working in the US. Many Californians have negative perceptions of their personal finances and the US economy this election season.
blog post Voters’ Views on November’s Propositions By Mark Baldassare Oct 26, 2022 As we near the midterm election, voters’ attitudes toward key statewide ballot measures, as well as toward potential reforms to the initiative process, suggest that California’s system of direct democracy remains a work in progress.
blog post The Politics of Leaving California By Eric McGhee, Hans Johnson Oct 17, 2022 California has seen multiple years of population decline, driven in part by a growing number of people leaving the state. Political differences as to the role of government in society could be a factor in some migration decisions.
blog post Solid Majorities of Californians View Crime as a Problem By Dean Bonner Sep 27, 2022 Nearly two in three Californians, including solid majorities across most regions of the state, say that violence and street crime in their community are a problem. Three in ten statewide say violence and street crime are a big problem, an increase from prior to the pandemic.
blog post Video: Californians and Their Government By Vicki Hsieh Sep 23, 2022 With the midterm election approaching, researchers Rachel Lawler and Dean Bonner discuss new PPIC Statewide Survey findings on key state ballot measures, competitive US House districts, and issues that could shape election outcomes.