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Reopening California’s Schools

As California nears the one-year anniversary of the first pandemic-induced shutdowns, the question of how to handle the state’s public K–12 schools remains fraught. As vaccinations ramp up, deep concerns over equity, learning loss, and physical and mental health remain. Join us for a wide-ranging discussion with a panel of distinguished experts about the challenges and opportunities ahead.


A Conversation with Lieutenant Governor Eleni Kounalakis

The past year has highlighted and heightened California’s key challenges. As the state emerges from the pandemic, how can policymakers pave the way for an equitable recovery? Lieutenant Governor Eleni Kounalakis will join PPIC President and CEO Mark Baldassare for a wide-ranging conversation, with a special focus on the economy.


A 2020 Election Preview

With one month to go before a highly consequential election, what does the political landscape look like in California and the nation? A panel of top political journalists will discuss emerging themes and issues, and assess the nation’s readiness for a pandemic election.


Assessing Proposition 15

On the ballot this November, Proposition 15 would increase funding for public schools, community colleges, and local government services by changing tax assessment of commercial and industrial property. Doing so creates a split roll property tax system, because residential property taxes would not be changed.


A Conversation with House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy

California and the nation remain in the grip of a worldwide pandemic while also dealing with tremendous economic upheaval and social unrest. What are the most critical actions that leaders can take at this time? How can the state and federal government work together more effectively to address these generational challenges?


Proposition 47 and Racial Disparities in California

While the COVID-19 pandemic has required changes to law enforcement and correctional policies, widespread protests over the police-involved deaths of African Americans have intensified concern about racial and ethnic disparities in our criminal justice system. In recent years, California has implemented significant reforms that, while not motivated by racial disparities, are narrowing them.


A Conversation with Governor Gavin Newsom

Governor Gavin Newsom will join PPIC President and CEO Mark Baldassare for an in-depth conversation about climate change, energy, wildfires, and California’s future followed by a wide-ranging audience Q&A.


A Conversation with Chief Justice of California Tani G. Cantil-Sakauye

Join us for a conversation with Tani G. Cantil-Sakauye—chief justice of California and leader of the state's judicial branch—about the challenges and opportunities facing the courts today. Topics include the relationship between California's three branches of government, the federal-state dynamic, and the importance of civic engagement.


2020 Census: Counting the Central Valley

The decennial census plays an essential role in American democracy. The stakes are huge for California—political representation and federal dollars are on the line—and 2020 is fast approaching. Home to 4.3 million people, the San Joaquin Valley may be one of the state’s hardest-to-count regions.


A Conversation with Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon

Join us as Anthony Rendon, speaker of the California State Assembly, talks with PPIC’s Mark Baldassare about some of the key challenges and opportunities facing California and how state policymakers can work to address them.

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