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blog post

Water for Wildlife Refuges: 30 Years of the CVPIA

By Sarah Bardeen

The Central Valley Project Improvement Act turns 30 this year. We asked three experts to explain what the CVPIA is—and why it’s so vitally important for migratory birds.


Storing Water for the Environment

By Sarah Null, Jeffrey Mount, Brian Gray, Kristen Dybala ...

Large reservoirs are essential for managing water in California’s highly variable climate—but over the years, the construction and operation of these reservoirs have had significant environmental costs. Our new research outlines how reservoir operations could be changed to improve the health of the state’s fragile freshwater ecosystems.

Policy Brief

Policy Brief: Storing Water for the Environment

By Sarah Null, Jeffrey Mount, Brian Gray, Kristen Dybala ...

To protect and restore California’s freshwater ecosystems and respond to the changing climate, California’s water managers must change how they operate reservoirs. Our policy brief offers recommendations for how to do this in a way that makes the most efficient use of scarce water for the environment while minimizing impacts on other water uses.

blog post

Video: Farmland in Transition—The San Joaquin Valley

By Vicki Hsieh

Hundreds of thousands of acres of irrigated farmland may come out of production in the San Joaquin Valley as the region brings its groundwater basins into balance. How do we manage all this newly fallowed land? We discuss our new research with a panel of experts.

blog post

A Large California Water Utility Prepares for Climate Change

By Sarah Bardeen

How is one of the state’s major water utilities dealing with climate change? We talked to Ken Jenkins, Cal Water’s chief water resource sustainability officer, about his efforts to improve water supply resilience in the face of worsening droughts and other climate-related challenges.

Fact Sheet

The Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta

By Jeffrey Mount, Ellen Hanak, Greg Gartrell

The Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta is California’s largest estuary and a vital hub in the state’s water supply system. Three interlinked issues currently face the Delta: an increasingly unreliable water supply, a decline in ecosystem health, and a fragile system of levees. Learn more about this key watershed in our new fact sheet.

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