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Blog Post · January 30, 2020

Concerns about Poverty and Income Inequality Are Running High

photo - Woman Paying at Store Cash Register

Even as California’s economy is surging—with unemployment at a historically low 3.9% last month—residents around the state are worried about poverty. About eight in ten adults say that poverty is a big problem (49%) or somewhat of a problem (33%) in their part of California. Likely voters hold similar views (47% big, 35% somewhat). This concern is high across every region of the state.

figure - Californians around the State Are Concerned about Poverty

Income inequality has grown substantially across the nation, and it is particularly notable in California. About two in three adults (63%) and seven in ten likely voters (68%) think the gap between rich and poor is getting larger in their part of California. Across regions, nearly half to three-quarters of residents hold this view.

figure - Most Californians Think the Gap between Rich and Poor Is Growing


Economic Mobility Economy Health & Safety Net income inequality Population poverty Statewide Survey voters