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Data Set

PPIC Farm Sizes in the San Joaquin Valley: Water Data

This dataset includes an Excel file summarizing surface water availability metrics for farms of different sizes in the San Joaquin Valley as well as volumes of groundwater needed to support allocations for potentially vulnerable users under the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act. We include allocation volumes for farms under 10 acres, between 10–50 acres, and small community water systems. Allocations assume that users receive supplies to satisfy their estimated demands. For a related blog post see Cole, Spencer, Ellen Hanak, and Alvar Escriva-Bou, “How Might Small Farms Fare Under SGMA?” (PPIC blog, 2023).


Suggested citation: Cole, Spencer and Joaquín Morales, Zaira. 2023. PPIC Farm Sizes in the San Joaquin Valley: Water Data. Public Policy Institute of California.


For questions concerning this dataset, please contact Spencer Cole.


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Drought San Joaquin Valley Water Supply Water, Land & Air