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Past · August 26, 2021

Improving Career Education Pathways into California’s Workforce

Virtual Event

August 26, 2021 · 11:00 am - 12:00 pm


About the Program

COVID-19 hit workers with less education hardest, underscoring the need for public investments in workforce training. A new PPIC report describes student pathways through career education programs at community colleges and discusses insights from stakeholder interviews on how to help more people complete programs and connect to quality jobs. PPIC researcher Shannon McConville will present report findings and moderate a discussion with an expert panel.

This research and event are supported with funding from the ECMC Foundation, the James Irvine Foundation, and the Sutton Family Fund.

PPIC is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization. PPIC does not take or support positions on any ballot measures or on any local, state, or federal legislation, nor does it support, endorse, or oppose any political parties or candidates for public office. Any opinions expressed by event participants are theirs alone and do not necessarily reflect any position of the Public Policy Institute of California.


11:00 a.m.   Welcome and Presentation
Shannon McConville, research fellow, PPIC

11:15 a.m.   Panel Discussion
Moderator: Shannon McConville, research fellow, PPIC
Rick Pettit, technical training and recruiting specialist, California Steel Industries, Inc.
Tarik Scott, director of external relations, The Education Fund
Sheneui Weber, vice chancellor of workforce and economic development, California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office

11:45 a.m.   Audience Q&A

12:00 p.m.   Adjourn


Access Completion Economy Equity Higher Education Workforce Needs