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Fact Sheet · August 2024

California Voter and Party Profiles

Mark Baldassare, Dean Bonner, Lauren Mora, and Deja Thomas

Supported with funding from the Arjay R. and Frances F. Miller Foundation

Nearly half of registered voters are Democrats; independent registration has declined.

  • The share of registered voters who are Democrats (46.2%) has increased slightly since 2020 (45.3%), the year of the last presidential election. The share of Republicans (24.7%) has held steady (23.9% in 2020).
  • About two in ten voters (21.9%) are independents (also known as “decline to state” or “no party preference” voters); this share has declined since 2020 (25.1%). Meanwhile, the share registering with a minor political party has increased from 5.7% in 2020 to 7.2% today.
  • Twenty years ago, Republicans made up a much higher share of the electorate: in October 2004, more than one in three voters (34.7%) were registered as Republicans. The share of independents (17.7%) was somewhat lower in 2004, and the Democratic share (43%) was slightly lower than it is today.

A majority of independent likely voters are ideologically moderate, compared to fewer Democrats and Republicans.

  • In our surveys over the past year, independent likely voters have been equally likely to lean toward the Democratic Party (38%) or to say they do not lean toward either party (38%), while 24% lean Republican.
  • Independent likely voters are far more likely to be moderate (54%) than liberal (25%) or conservative (20%). In contrast, 25% of Republican likely voters say they are moderate (73% conservative, 3% liberal) and 30% of Democratic likely voters describe themselves as moderate (62% liberal, 8% conservative).

Likely voters are disproportionately white; Democratic likely voters are relatively diverse.

  • Whites make up only 38% of California’s adult population but comprise 50% of likely voters. In contrast, Latinos make up 36% of the state’s adult population but only 26% of likely voters. Asian Americans (15%) and African Americans (5%) are proportionately represented among likely voters—Asian Americans make up 16% and African Americans make up 5% of California’s adult population.
  • About four in ten (43%) Democratic likely voters are white; 31% are Latino, 15% are Asian American, and 7% are African American.
  • A solid majority (61%) of Republican likely voters are white; relatively few are Latino (22%), Asian American (12%), or African American (1%).
  • Among independents, 54% are white, 19% are Latino, 18% are Asian American, and 4% are African American.

Six in ten Republican likely voters are older adults; a majority of Democrats are women; and half of independents are college graduates.

  • About two in ten independents (22%) and Democrats (23%) are young adults (age 18 to 34), compared to somewhat fewer Republicans (15%). Meanwhile Republicans (60%) are much more likely than Democrats (46%) or independents (47%) to be age 55 and older.
  • Democratic likely voters are somewhat more likely to be women (54%) than men (46%), while independents are far more likely to be men (61%) than women (39%); Republicans are more likely to be men (55%) than women (45%).
  • Democrats (44%) and independents (50%) are more likely than Republicans (32%) to be college graduates; 39% of members of minor parties are college graduates. About one quarter of both Democrats (23%) and Republicans (25%) have no college education.
  • About two in ten Democrats (18%), Republicans (17%), and independents (18%) have household incomes under $40,000. Majorities across partisan groups have annual incomes of $80,000 or more (57% Democrats, 58% independents, 64% Republicans), with the exception of 47% of minor party members.


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