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Fact Sheet · August 2024

California’s Likely Voters

Mark Baldassare, Dean Bonner, Lauren Mora, and Deja Thomas

Supported with funding from the Arjay R. and Frances F. Miller Foundation

More than eight in ten eligible Californians are registered to vote.

  • As of July 2024, about 22 million of California’s 26.9 million eligible adults (82%) were registered to vote.
  • The current registration rate is nearly identical to the share in February 2020 (83%), the year of the last presidential election.
  • Along with voter registration, voter enthusiasm will play a big role in the general election in November.

Likely voters lean Democratic and are ideologically mixed.

  • In our surveys over the past year, 48% of likely voters—registered voters who cast ballots frequently and are politically engaged—report that they are Democrats, while 26% are Republicans, 24% are independents, and 2% are registered with other parties.
  • Among infrequent voters, 44% are Democrats, 35% are independents, 19% are Republicans, and 2% are registered with other parties.
  • Ideologically, 37% of likely voters are politically liberal, 35% are moderate, and 28% are conservative. Among infrequent voters, 27% say they are liberal, 54% are moderate, and 19% are conservative.

Independent likely voters are equally likely to lean Democratic or toward neither major party.

  • Among independent likely voters, 38% lean toward the Democratic Party, while 24% lean toward the Republican Party, and 38% report that they lean toward neither major party or are unsure.
  • Among independent infrequent voters, 30% lean Democratic, 18% lean Republican, and 52% lean toward neither party or are unsure.
  • Among unregistered adults—including noncitizens—40% lean Democratic, 14% lean Republican, and 47% lean toward neither party or are unsure.

Likely voters are disproportionately white.

  • Whites make up only 38% of California’s adult population but comprise 50% of the state’s likely voters. In contrast, Latinos make up 36% of the adult population but just 26% of likely voters. Asian Americans make up 16% of adults and 15% of likely voters, while 5% of both adults and likely voters are African American. Those who identify as multiracial or “other race” make up 3% of the adult population and 4% of likely voters.
  • A majority of unregistered adults, including noncitizens, are Latino (56%); fewer are white (21%), Asian American (16%), or African American (4%).

Likely voters tend to be older, more educated and affluent, homeowners, and US born.

  • Californians age 55 and older make up 35% of the state’s adult population but constitute half (50%) of likely voters. Young adults (age 18 to 34) make up 31% of the population but only 21% of likely voters, while adults age 35 to 54 account for 34% of the population and 29% of likely voters.
  • Three in four adults in the state either have some college education (30%) or are college graduates (34%) but make up eight in ten likely voters (37% some college, 42% college graduates). Thirty-seven percent of the state’s adult population have no college education, compared to 21% of likely voters.
  • Fifty-eight percent of likely voters have annual household incomes of $80,000 or more, while 24% earn between $40,000 and $79,999 and 18% earn less than $40,000.
  • About seven in ten likely voters are homeowners (69%), while 31% are renters. In contrast, 65% of unregistered adults and 60% of infrequent voters are renters.
  • Eighty-three percent of likely voters and 80% of infrequent voters were born in the United States, compared to just 43% of unregistered adults.


2024 Election Political Landscape Statewide Survey