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blog post

A Large Proportion of Crime Goes Unsolved in California

By Magnus Lofstrom

California’s clearance rates—the shares of reported crimes for which police make an arrest and refer the arrestee to prosecution—are better than those nationwide. Still, statewide less than half of violent crimes and only one in ten property crimes are cleared.

Fact Sheet

Water Use in California

By Jeffrey Mount, Ellen Hanak, Caitlin Peterson

To understand California’s water, start here. Water use in California varies dramatically between wet and dry years: learn who’s using California’s water, where, and how much.

Fact Sheet

Water Use in California’s Communities

By Andrew Ayres, Caitlin Peterson, Annabelle Rosser

Even as California’s population has grown by millions, its per-capita water use has declined. Communities are finding ways to boost resilience in the face of climate change.


Achieving Universal Broadband in California

By Joseph Hayes, Niu Gao, Darriya Starr, Amy Gong Liu

In 2021, California invested over $6 billion to expand broadband infrastructure, address affordability, and promote digital literacy. This report examines barriers to installing broadband in underserved communities and offers recommendations as the state aims to close the digital divide.

blog post

Housing Costs Have Californians Considering an Interstate Move

By Dean Bonner

More than four in ten Californians say that housing costs have made them seriously consider moving, and an overwhelming majority of this group say they would leave the state. The share of Californians considering a move out of the state has about doubled across all income and education groups since 2004.


The Impact of Health Insurance on Poverty in California

By Caroline Danielson, Patricia Malagon, Shannon McConville

The Affordable Care Act has helped millions of Californians gain health insurance over the past decade. In addition to improving access to care, the ACA has increased financial well-being. This analysis focuses on the significant contribution of publicly funded health coverage—particularly Medi-Cal—to family resources across the state.

blog post

Despite State Action, Grim Views on Housing Persist

By Dean Bonner

While policymakers have taken steps in recent years to address the state’s housing challenges, seven in ten Californians say that housing affordability is a big problem—the highest share since 2017. In addition, a solid majority of residents are very concerned that the cost of housing will prevent their family’s younger generation from buying a home in their part of California.


Is College Worth It?

By Marisol Cuellar Mejia, Cesar Alesi Perez, Vicki Hsieh, Hans Johnson

Rising college costs and a reluctance to take on debt lead many students and families to wonder if college will actually yield a brighter future with higher earnings and better jobs. In this explainer, we explore whether the benefits of a college degree outweigh the costs.

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