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Policy Brief

Policy Brief: The Role of CalFresh in Stabilizing Family Incomes

By Caroline Danielson, Tess Thorman, Vicki Hsieh

As policymakers consider ways to strengthen the connections between safety net participation and economic mobility, a better understanding of the job and income instability CalFresh participants face is critical.


The Role of CalFresh in Stabilizing Family Incomes

By Caroline Danielson, Tess Thorman

CalFresh—California’s largest safety net program—helps mitigate income instability for many low-income families. But those without recent employment often do not experience this stabilizing effect. Additional efforts to automate income reporting and ensure that individuals can access CalFresh as soon as they are eligible could strengthen the program’s reach and impact.


Employment Patterns for CalFresh Adults

By Tess Thorman, Caroline Danielson

CalFresh provides food assistance to about 4.5 million low-income Californians. While many adults who access CalFresh are working, their jobs may be temporary or unstable. Understanding changes in employment before, during, and after adults enroll in CalFresh can help policymakers and administrators better align the program with workers’ needs.

Policy Brief

Policy Brief: Employment Patterns for CalFresh Adults

By Tess Thorman, Caroline Danielson, Stephanie Barton

Most CalFresh participants work, but unemployment and job instability are common. CalFresh assistance may help some stay connected to the workforce; however, work patterns may affect the length and impact of benefits. Policymakers and administrators should ensure that processes for getting and keeping benefits accommodate workers.


Understanding the Effects of School Funding

By Julien Lafortune

Funding for California’s K–12 public schools has reached record highs, but gaps in student outcomes remain. Understanding the benefits of additional funds, and how to distribute those funds, are key concerns for policymakers. This report offers insights from a robust body of research on the extent to which higher spending improves outcomes.


Setting the Stage for Universal Preschool

By Laura Hill, Emmanuel Prunty

As the state expands its Transitional Kindergarten program, one key issue is whether access will be equitable. While the current program serves many Dual Language Learners and Latino children, some other student groups appear underenrolled. Ensuring that all elementary schools and districts offer the program is critical to improve access going forward.


Health Care Access among California’s Farmworkers

By Paulette Cha

Farmworkers are a key link in the food supply chain and important contributors to California’s economy. As farmworkers age, their health care needs are changing—and cost and lack of insurance are often barriers to care. While recent state and federal policies have made insurance more accessible, not all policies improved coverage among farmworkers.


Police Use of Force and Misconduct in California

By Deepak Premkumar, Alexandria Gumbs, Shannon McConville, Renee Hsia

Nearly 200 Californians die each year in police encounters. Amid growing concern over civilian deaths and racial injustice, we examine what the existing data can—and cannot—tell us about police use of force and misconduct. We also offer recommendations for strengthening the state’s ongoing efforts to improve police transparency and accountability.


Targeted K–12 Funding and Student Outcomes

By Julien Lafortune

As students return to the classroom, record-high funding through the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) will help California districts address gaps after a year of remote learning. In this report, we examine school and district spending against trends in student outcomes to offer insight into whether the LCFF is meeting its goal of improving equity in education.

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