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Health Care and California’s Undocumented Immigrants

By Shannon McConville

Despite California’s embrace of federal health care reform, millions of Californians are expected to remain uninsured even five years from now. Undocumented immigrants are likely to be a large share of this uninsured group because they are excluded from coverage under the Affordable Care Act.


Rethinking the State-Local Relationship: Health Care

By Shannon McConville, Kimberly Belshé

The federal Affordable Care Act will transform California’s health care safety net. It could also affect California’s long-standing division of responsibilities between state and local governments. This report outlines key issues that state policymakers will need to consider as they grapple with the costs and opportunities of health care reform.


Access to the Health Care Safety Net in California

By Laura Hill, Helen Lee, Shannon McConville

How will the safety net fare under federal health care reform? This report highlights areas of anticipated strain by mapping safety net access across the state. It also identifies strategies for strengthening the safety net in times of ongoing fiscal challenge.

This research was supported with funding from the California Program on Access to Care.

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