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blog post

Californians and Congress

By Mark Baldassare

Even in this era of hyper-partisanship, California likely voters of different political stripes are united in their low approval of Congress.

blog post

The Election Was Hard on California Democrats, Too

By Eric McGhee, Daniel Krimm

On the surface, it would appear that California stood against a tide of Republican victories nationwide. But scratch just beneath the surface, and it turns out the state is not so different.

blog post

Three Lessons About California’s Election Reforms

By Eric McGhee, Daniel Krimm

California got its second taste of two important reforms yesterday: legislative and congressional districts drawn by an independent redistricting commission and a "top-two” primary system. How did they do this time around?

blog post

Six Takeaways from the June Primary

By Mark Baldassare

For those of us involved in polling and election analysis at PPIC, the just-released California Secretary of State’s (SOS) Statement of the Vote offers a treasure trove of data about how our democracy is working.

blog post

Quirks of the Top-Two Primary

By Eric McGhee

It’s worth thinking about whether a same-party contest is really the match-up voters there would like to see.

blog post

The Power of the Primary Voter

By Eric McGhee

Voters are starting to think seriously about whether or not to vote on June 3—in fact, many voters have received their vote-by-mail ballots already. And because of a recent change to California’s primary system, this decision about voting will be more important than ever.

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