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Pathways to College Completion in the San Joaquin Valley

By Hans Johnson, Olga Rodriguez, Cesar Alesi Perez, Marisol Cuellar Mejia

California’s San Joaquin Valley has the lowest college enrollment and completion rates in the state. Yet with its youthful, diverse, growing population; expanding economy; and robust regional networks, dramatic improvements are possible. A new report details how institutions, educators, and policymakers can build on current college-going pathways.


The Impact of Health Insurance on Poverty in California

By Caroline Danielson, Patricia Malagon, Shannon McConville

The Affordable Care Act has helped millions of Californians gain health insurance over the past decade. In addition to improving access to care, the ACA has increased financial well-being. This analysis focuses on the significant contribution of publicly funded health coverage—particularly Medi-Cal—to family resources across the state.


Is College Worth It?

By Marisol Cuellar Mejia, Cesar Alesi Perez, Vicki Hsieh, Hans Johnson

Rising college costs and a reluctance to take on debt lead many students and families to wonder if college will actually yield a brighter future with higher earnings and better jobs. In this explainer, we explore whether the benefits of a college degree outweigh the costs.

Fact Sheet

Immigrants and Health in California

By Paulette Cha

Immigrants and their families have limited health care coverage, even as many face disproportionate health risks, especially during the pandemic.


Higher Education and Economic Opportunity in California

By Hans Johnson, Marisol Cuellar Mejia

The pandemic and its economic impact have highlighted longstanding social inequities: low-income and less-educated workers are bearing the brunt of both the virus and the downturn. Now more than ever, policymakers and higher education leaders must find avenues for low income and underrepresented students to access the benefits of a college degree.

blog post

College Graduates and California’s Future

By Mark Baldassare, Hans Johnson

California’s population and economy are changing, and its higher education institutions need to increase both college enrollment and completion rates.

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