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blog post

A Cautionary Tale for Fiscal Reformers

By Mark Baldassare

Given the widespread support for the idea of a rainy day fund in earlier PPIC polls, why is Proposition 2 struggling to achieve majority support?

Fact Sheet

California’s State Budget: The Governor’s Proposal

By Radhika Mehlotra, Patrick Murphy

Governor Newsom’s first budget proposal would build up budget reserves and pay down debt—while increasing funding for housing, education, and health and human services.

blog post

The Coronavirus Pandemic Will Test the State’s Budget Reserves

By Radhika Mehlotra, Jennifer Paluch

State reserve policies enacted since the Great Recession have boosted the capacity of California’s budget to weather a downturn, but a major recession due to COVID-19 would pose significant fiscal challenges.

blog post

Good Budget News for Higher Education

By Kevin Cook

Governor Brown's final budget includes just over a billion dollars in new funding for California's higher education systems.

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