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California Prison Programs and Reentry Pathways

By Heather Harris, Brandon Martin, Sean Cremin

In recent years, the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) has expanded programs that support community reintegration. But participation has been low. A new report details the rehabilitative needs of people in prison, CDCR efforts to expand programs to meet those needs, and factors that may affect participation.

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Video: Policing in California

By Stephanie Barton

PPIC’s Deepak Premkumar and Magnus Lofstrom discuss new reports that examine racial disparities in law enforcement stops and analyze police use of force and misconduct.


Police Use of Force and Misconduct in California

By Deepak Premkumar, Alexandria Gumbs, Shannon McConville, Renee Hsia

Nearly 200 Californians die each year in police encounters. Amid growing concern over civilian deaths and racial injustice, we examine what the existing data can—and cannot—tell us about police use of force and misconduct. We also offer recommendations for strengthening the state’s ongoing efforts to improve police transparency and accountability.

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Video: Preview of the California Primary

By Susan Gluss

Gavin Newsom surges ahead as likely voters' top choice for governor. Voters' main issue is immigration, followed by gun control and school safety.

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Video: Countdown to the Primary

Gavin Newsom and Antonio Villaraigosa are the top two candidates in the June primary for governor. But 24 percent of likely voters are still undecided.

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