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blog post

Video: Health Care Access among California’s Farmworkers

By Stephanie Barton

PPIC’s Paulette Cha presents new research on how recent policy changes affected insurance coverage and access to health care for farmworkers, and discusses farmworker health with an expert panel.

blog post

Addressing Inequities in Reopening Schools during COVID

By Joseph Herrera, Darriya Starr, Emmanuel Prunty, Niu Gao

While nearly all California schools switched to remote learning early in the pandemic, the return to in-person instruction varied across the state—potentially worsening educational inequities.


The Impact of COVID-19 on Science Education

By Niu Gao, Kathy DiRanna, Maria T. Chang Fay

COVID-19 school shutdowns were especially disruptive for science education, which has long been a lower priority than math and English language arts. But as California schools recover from the pandemic, state policymakers can take steps to promote equitable investments in science literacy.

blog post

Health Risks Persist for Older Farmworkers as COVID Lingers

By Paulette Cha

The aging of California’s farmworker population means greater health care needs, especially as the pandemic continues. Low-income farmworkers who are undocumented immigrants may lack access to essential services.

Fact Sheet

The Digital Divide in Education

By Darriya Starr, Joseph Hayes, Niu Gao

The pandemic spurred efforts to close longstanding gaps in digital access that affect African American, Latino, and lower-income students.

blog post

California’s Housing Divide

By Marisol Cuellar Mejia, Hans Johnson, Julien Lafortune

African Americans and Latinos have been especially affected by the state’s housing affordability crisis, and the pandemic’s disproportionate impact on households of color threatens to widen disparities in homeownership.

blog post

California’s Labor Force: A Swift Recovery, but What’s Next?

By Sarah Bohn, Marisol Cuellar Mejia, Julien Lafortune

Total employment has recovered more quickly from the COVID-19 recession than from previous downturns. Still, current workforce pressures reflect ongoing challenges that California must address to foster long-term economic mobility and growth.

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