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blog post

A Snapshot of Homeless Californians in Shelters

By Marisol Cuellar Mejia, Hans Johnson, Joseph Herrera

During the COVID-19 pandemic, California deployed significant resources to shelter people experiencing homelessness. Recently released data offer a first look at the impact of these efforts.

blog post

New Housing Fails to Make Up for Decades of Undersupply

By Eric McGhee, Jennifer Paluch, Vicki Hsieh

Recently released census data show how California’s new housing has fallen short of population growth over the past decade. While housing in coastal areas is the most expensive, the largest price increases have occurred in inland regions.

blog post

After Wildfire, How Do We Rebuild for a “Resilient Recovery”?

By Sarah Bardeen

At least one in 12 California homes is at high risk of burning in a wildfire—yet state and local land use policies still incentivize rebuilding in the wildland-urban interface. It doesn’t have to be that way, says the author of a new report.

blog post

California’s High Housing Costs Increase Poverty

By Patricia Malagon, Caroline Danielson

Many families across the state struggle to afford housing, and periods of rising home prices—such as the pandemic recession—can pose a particularly large challenge.

blog post

What Lessons Can Be Learned from Project Roomkey?

By Shannon McConville

Project Roomkey has provided emergency housing to more than 22,000 people experiencing homelessness amid the pandemic. Examining its impact, including the wide variation across counties, can provide lessons for how California tackles homelessness over the long term.


California’s Future: Housing

By Hans Johnson, Marisol Cuellar Mejia, Julien Lafortune

The high cost of housing has emerged as a threat to California’s future. There are no quick fixes, and state efforts to improve affordability and address homelessness must interact with local policies.

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