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The Importance of CalFresh and CalWORKs in Children’s Early Years

By Caroline Danielson, Tess Thorman, Sarah Bohn

When a crisis disrupts finances, California families may turn to CalFresh and CalWORKs. About half of children access one or both of these safety net programs by age five. Knowing when children may participate, and for how long, can help policymakers address barriers to access.


A New Era of Student Access at California’s Community Colleges

By Marisol Cuellar Mejia, Olga Rodriguez, Hans Johnson

A landmark law (AB 705) has helped tens of thousands of community college students complete the courses necessary for transfer to a four-year college. But student outcomes vary across campuses, and more work is needed to ensure equitable access and completion rates—particularly in math.


Getting to Graduation on Time at California State University

By Jacob Jackson

Students who take more than four years to graduate incur added costs—from paying extra tuition to forgoing years in the workforce. This report examines how a strategy of taking more courses in the first year at California State University may influence on-time graduation, while exploring how different groups benefit from a full course load.


Higher Education and Economic Opportunity in California

By Hans Johnson, Marisol Cuellar Mejia

The pandemic and its economic impact have highlighted longstanding social inequities: low-income and less-educated workers are bearing the brunt of both the virus and the downturn. Now more than ever, policymakers and higher education leaders must find avenues for low income and underrepresented students to access the benefits of a college degree.


Who Is Losing Ground with Distance Learning in California?

By Niu Gao, Julien Lafortune, Laura Hill

As the pandemic continues, K–12 districts must understand where and how to refine remote instruction. In this report, we examine obstacles and disparities that may have caused some California students to fall behind after the switch to distance learning last spring, and we offer insights to help schools develop interventions to best serve these students.


Increasing Community College Transfers: Progress and Barriers

By Hans Johnson, Marisol Cuellar Mejia

Community college transfers are an essential route for underrepresented groups to achieve a bachelor’s degree. This study shows that students who reach key early milestones are much more likely to succeed. Recent reforms have the potential to lead to large increases in student transfer and success.


How Greater Vote-by-Mail Influences California Voter Turnout

By Eric McGhee, Jennifer Paluch, Mindy Romero

With COVID-19 threatening the November election, many states are working to increase voting by mail. In California, 15 counties have already expanded alternatives to in-person voting, and while overall voter turnout was higher, groups such as foreign-language and young voters sometimes saw declines. Outreach by trusted messengers may help in targeting low-turnout groups.

Fact Sheet

Race and Voting in California

By Mark Baldassare, Dean Bonner, Alyssa Dykman, Rachel Lawler

Latinos, Asian Americans, and African Americans are less likely to vote than whites.

Fact Sheet

The CalFresh Food Assistance Program

By Caroline Danielson, Daniel Tan

Participation in CalFresh—which helps millions of low-income Californians buy groceries—has risen amid the coronavirus pandemic. This fact sheet provides a snapshot of the program, including its impact on poverty and recent changes to expand access.


Expanding Enrollment Capacity at California State University

By Kevin Cook, Radhika Mehlotra

Financial constraints threaten CSU’s ability to meet the growing demand for higher education. As the governor and state policymakers contend with limited resources, prioritizing enrollment growth and capital planning at CSU will be vital to the state’s economic future.

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